Supplements: I pretty much believed that if you eat right and and you get some sun and exercise you’d be fine. However over the years while I did things right and still gained weight and have tried a lot of things I’m not sure this is the case anymore. There seems to be a lot of strong evidence that our food doesn’t contain the same level of micronutrients it once did. Like I said I’ve tried a lot of things and many of them made me feel a little better. Gluten Free, alcohol free and even paleo. All of these made a minor impact to what I was feeling. Still eating right and avoiding the bad stuff I never felt the energy levels I knew or at least believed I should be at until I tried a little supplementation. I don’t do too much but I feel I’ve experienced tremendous benefit from a few specific supplements. I am now taking Calcium D-glucarate, kelp(for iodine) magnesium and selenium. I only started a few days ago but this combination seems to peak my energy. I sleep better, I wake up with fewer aches and pains and my energy levels are peaked and don’t seem to plummet all day. Now with that being said it’s only been a few days so I intend to Follow-Up in a few weeks but I feel pretty amazing these last few days and I hope it continues. Don’t try this on your own supplements can have harmful interactions or side effects based on your personal situation so always consult your healthcare professional before introducing any supplements into your regimen.
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